Saving Lives and Protecting Assets and Services in the Face of Climate Change

Presented by:
David Pearson, Laurentian University

We can only protect ourselves and our communities against risks if we think about them ahead of time and prepare for them. Whether it’s viruses or floods, tooth decay or wildfires, if we don’t prepare and take action, we will suffer, wherever we live. Heavier rainstorms, thinner winter ice, fish that don’t spawn when and where they used to, and caribou that are harder to find, are just some of the likely consequences of changes in weather in the north in the next generation. The land provides water and food – the priceless services of Nature. The land also stores carbon in wetlands, peat and forests, a service that science is teaching us is priceless too. This session will include hands-on practice in thinking about how to prepare and what to prepare for.